
Who We Are

We specialize in helping provide investors the necessary funding for their real estate investment projects.

  • Relationships

    First and foremost, we embrace the belief that this is truly a relationship business & pride ourselves on building genuine long-term relationships with our clients. We also believe in always putting the clients best interests first, which is why we thoroughly analyze every deal to do our best in ensuring that it is truly a win for our clients. As we are not just here to generate loans, but instead work together in helping you grow in your journey as a real estate investor.

  • Underpromise and Overdeliver

    Another core belief of Above PAR Capital is that we always strive to underpromise & overdeliver. There’s often several moving parts & people in a real estate transaction, and we believe that making sure that everyone has the proper expectations is a key to a smooth closing.

  • Communication

    Furthermore, we believe that communication is not only warranted, but necessary. Throughout the process of a loan, there are sometimes unforeseen circumstances/factors that can change or ultimately sometimes inhibit the ability of a loan being able to be closed altogether. Being investors ourselves, this is something that we acknowledge is more or less an investors worst nightmare, and only gets worse the later in the process the loan is. This is a major reason why we believe in doing as much due diligence as possible in the beginning stages of the process to mitigate a vast majority of this risk. At Above PAR Capital, we thoroughly believe that a quick no is as good as a quick yes. As we recognize that we aren’t a home for every loan, but always want to put investors in the best position possible to be able to close on their desired next investment.

  • Why we started

    It was these core values that motivated us to start this company. For as long as we can remember, we’ve always wanted to be entrepreneurs. The type of entrepreneurs who can provide value to our family, the world, and everything between. Over the last several years, we were blessed to have the opportunity to dedicate our lives to learning the true ins and outs of the lending world within real estate. From the moment we joined the industry, we knew that this was where we wanted to be, where we wanted to grow, and where we wanted to make the difference that we’ve always strived for.

    With Above PAR Capital, we wholeheartedly believe that this will give us an opportunity to truly embody our desired vision as Entrepreneurs, while helping countless investors become more educated, self-sufficient, and successful entrepreneurs in their own regard. We’re a company that believes in embodying the true definition of fulfillment & self-worth. To constantly strive and be an example that your definition of success is possible if you put your all into it.

    At Above PAR Capital, we believe in putting the values of who we are into what we do & that the results will show for themselves. Real Estate is an industry of infinite opportunities, and it’s up to us to decide what to do with them. For those who do choose to put their trust in us, we truly thank you and promise to do our best in exhibiting these core values every step of the way. We hope to be an avenue for you when it comes to achieving your goals, and welcome any opportunity that presents itself. Thank you for taking the time to learn about who we are, and we look forward to learning more about you.